sexta-feira, setembro 15, 2006


O show ontem foi muito foda!

Só que agora tô muito cansada para contar.
Amanhã quando meu cérebro voltar a funcionar pelnamente eu conto tudo.

Enquanto isso, olhem essa notícia que tava no site oficial do FF:
(vai em inglês mesmo, porque tô com preguiça)


Acclaimed director Don Letts filmed the band on their February tour of South America, and an abridged version of the documentary will air on Channel 4 on Sunday 24th September at 11:50.

The film features footage from sold-out shows in Chile, Brazil and Argentina, support slot appearances with U2 in Sao Paulo, and the recording of new songs 'Wine In The Afternoon' and 'Ghost In A Ditch'.'Ghost In A Ditch'.

Letts commented on his project with Franz Ferdinand:

“When I got the call to see if I wanted to ‘cover’ Franz in South America I jumped at the chance. My last few films have been very controlled stylistically so it was a great opportunity to return to my punk roots. It’s been a while since I’ve seen any ‘frontline’ action and their mix of style and intellect combined with classic pop songs and a dynamic live show was just what I needed to deliver a film with the kind of energy that got me started in the first place.”

Franz Ferdinand are currently back in South America performing three shows in Brazil and Mexico, their last shows before the band take time off to start writing and recording their third album in early 2007.

(ou seja, dia 25 tô procurando isso pra baixar)


Blogger Kaká said...

Esse show foi bom demais!!! Vi na tv hoje que eles vão parar por um ano...férias merecidas!

1:28 PM  
Blogger Raphaela Ximenes said...

Sim, eles vão parar para gravar o novo disco. Tá falando aí na matéria.

1:50 PM  
Anonymous Anônimo said...

E eu tô com saudades de vc! :)

4:51 PM  
Blogger Maisumcaféplease said...

Depois conta tudo!

5:43 PM  

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